So here's what I like on this one : the hair and sunglasses. What I don't like is the outline of his goatee below his lip. I need to soften that and lose the edges there. I did a bit of wash for the background but I will add more later. Same with his shirt. I want to keep it loose but the area on our left is not finished. For now this is on the wall bulletin board for a rest and a fresher outlook.
kudos for painting someone close to you! i can't disagree with anything that you have said above except maybe the background. i'm not sure that it needs much more if anything. if you are going to do some more work on the shirt you might add just a bit of color. i know that it is white but white frequently picks up reflected light from surrounding objects. you could make a nice neutral gray for majority of modeling and add dashes of a transparent red, blue, or yellow (components used to mix your gray in the first place?) wet-in-wet for the color. i really like what you've done so far.
kudos for painting someone close to you! i can't disagree with anything that you have said above except maybe the background. i'm not sure that it needs much more if anything. if you are going to do some more work on the shirt you might add just a bit of color. i know that it is white but white frequently picks up reflected light from surrounding objects. you could make a nice neutral gray for majority of modeling and add dashes of a transparent red, blue, or yellow (components used to mix your gray in the first place?) wet-in-wet for the color. i really like what you've done so far.