Monday, December 16, 2013

Lots of work!

I've pretty neglectful of this blog lately. What with the bad weather and thanksgiving celebrations there has not been time to get outside and photo my work. I have painted almost daily and here are some of the pieces I have finished.

This a painting of a good friend, Bob.  About 90 minutes work, 9 by 12 on canvas. From a snap I took to work on skin tones for the next large work.

And here's the large work. 24 by 36 oil on canvas. This is a commission for the couple. The reference photo was night flash shot taken on Bourbon Street in New Orleans a few years ago. They love the photo pose but the actual photo was a nightmare to paint from. I learned that lesson!  All the shading you see is from my mind as it did not exist in the reference photo.  Yikes!  I'm pleased with how it turned out though and it gets a coat of retouch varnish today and then gets delivered as soon as it is dry. 

Another large work, 30 by 40 oil on gallery wrap canvas.  This one sits on our mantel as a part of our Asian decor. I started this last July and probably would have done a lot of things different if I was doing it today, given all I have learned from Anna Bain.  Still, I'm pleased with it and so is Jim.  

This is Kia, a model from my classes with Anna Bain.  This was done over two 3 hour classes.  16 by 20, oil on canvas mounted to board. 

These last two are of my beautiful granddaughter, Chandler. She sat for me during the thanksgiving holidays.  A really pretty model and great at holding a pose!  Thank you, Chan!

1 comment:

  1. the skin tones are lovely, dena. i really like your asian woman.....the whole thing has a rather asian vibe to it. have a great holiday season and new year.
