Saturday, October 26, 2013


I have been soliciting friends and neighbors to sit for me for oil sketches.  The first volunteers were some wonderful neighbors,  Bill and his wife, Billie. This is the painting that I did of Bill. It represents about 90 minutes from life and another 90 minutes from the photo I took at the session.  It is 14 x 11, oil on canvas. I took several photos of various poses so I have more references to try out if I choose to.  I had Billie to come this past week and I am working on her painting right now. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


This one is finished!  Title is "Not Afoot For Long".  12 X 16, oil on canvas mounted on board.

Monday, October 14, 2013

What?!!! Another self portrait??!!

Yep, I've been at it again. Thought I'd try one with my glasses. I'm pretty pleased with it. Moving right along!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's in a name?

My legal name is "Lydina". I have really only used it during my school years and of course for legal purposes. No one calls me  by that name unless they are a friend from school and maybe a few family members. I like that it is unusual but have spent my life spelling it for folks or telling them how to pronounce it. However, because it is so unusual, I have decided to use it for signing my work. No last name - just "Lydina". What do you think?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And another!

Another self portrait. Figure if I can get a likeness of myself most of the time I should be able to do it easier on someone else. So here's today's effort. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another stab at a self portrait

Geez, these things are HARD!!!!  But I'm not giving up. I think this is the best one so far, however not perfect. It is from a photo, alla prima with no prior drawing. Coming along on this journey.  Love the challenge!!