Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm tardy!

Seems I always intend to post and then life or something like it gets in the way. 

 Here are a couple things I've been working on.  This is a portion of a photo of me from the seventies. 

Here is the beginning of the painting.  Trying to do a little looser style on this one.  Hmmm....

Then I figured, what the heck!  Soon (art teacher)  told me to stop being so stuck in the middle of two styles.  To just go for it!  So here is how it stands right now.  I actually rather like it.  Not sure if it is finished.  It is living on the wall in my studio right now while I let it simmer.

A recent shot of Chandler, doing what else - looking at her phone.  Thought I should immortalize it in case I never see this pose again!  Not a chance!  LOL!!  My beautiful sweet granddaughter had her first day of high school yesterday. OMG!!!

This is in progress, as you can see.  Lots more work to do.

Thanks for reading!